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ASR Medallion awarded to Prof. Peter Daivis and Prof. Billy Toddy

The Australian Society of Rheology (ASR) awards the ASR Medallion to members whose contributions to rheology have been internationally recognised as outstanding and meritorious. In its entire history, ASR has awarded only 7 Medallions to exceptional Australian rheologists. This year (2023), the ASR Award Committee has awarded a Joint ASR Medallion to two distinguished rheologists for the first time in its history.

The Australian Society of Rheology is delighted to jointly award the ASR medallion for 2023 to Professors Peter Daivis and Billy Todd in recognition of their extraordinary creative collaboration over three decades that has resulted in exceptional and admirable contributions to rheology and for their many years of distinguished service to the Society and to the rheology community in Australia.

Prof. Billy Toddy (left) and Prof. Peter Daivis (right)      

Professors Daivis and Todd have spearheaded the development of non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations (NEMD) and are pioneers in the rigorous application of NEMD to the fluid dynamics, rheology and tribology of simple and complex fluids. Their work has led to the efficient computation of pressure tensors, heat flux vectors and transport coefficients for periodic systems and highly confined nanofluids. Amongst many examples of their remarkable ability to apply Statistical Physics to rheological problems, particularly noteworthy are their invention of the ‘Method of Planes’ technique for describing highly confined fluids, their contributions to the development of the 'Transient-Time Correlation Function’ methodology for extracting nonlinear rheological properties with reduced statistical noise, and their solution of the problem of simulating steady state elongational flows in periodic boundary conditions. Many of the methods introduced by Daivis and Todd have been included in modern software packages such as GROMACS and LAMMPS. Undoubtedly, the sustained and creative collaboration of Professors Daivis and Todd has profoundly impacted the evolution and the state-of-the-art of Molecular Rheology.

Professors Daivis and Todd have tirelessly dedicated themselves to supporting and promoting the interests of the rheology community in Australia. They have both served on the Society's council and the editorial board of the Korea-Australia Rheology Journal for several years. Daivis has been the Treasurer, Auditor for the Society, and Co-Editor-in-chief of the Korea-Australia Rheology Journal since 2021. Billy Todd was the President of the Society from 2008 to 2010, while Peter Daivis served as President from 2016 to 2018.

Professors Todd and Daivis were presented with the Medallions during a dinner function at the 12th Australia-Korea Rheology Conference (AKRC2023) in Melbourne. On behalf of the Australian Society of Rheology, we congratulate Peter and Billy on their distinguished achievement.