

9th Australian-Korean Rheology Conference

University of Sydney, Australia - 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2017

The ninth combined conference of the Australian Society of Rheology and the Korean Society of Rheology will be held at The University of Sydney, Australia from 29 November to 1 December 2017. The event will provide an international forum to showcase rheological research in Australia, Korea and the broader Pacific region. All scientists and engineers interested in rheology are invited to participate in this conference.


The AKRC will be held immediately after the Statistical Mechanics of Soft Matter Workshop (SM^2) at The University of Sydney (27 - 28 Nov 2017). Website: http://smsq.github.io/


Conference highlights:

  • ASR Medallion lecture by Prof R.R. Huilgol
  • Invited speakers from Australia and Korea


Conference themes:

  • Soft materials, colloids, and self-assembled materials
  • Emulsions, foams, powders and granular systems
  • Micro- and nano-rheology
  • Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
  • Polymers, biomaterials and biological systems
  • Rheological innovation and impact


Abstract submission:

Please submit one-page abstracts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5 pm(AEST), Friday 29 Sept 2017.


Please refer to the conference website (https://akrc2017.eventbrite.com.au) and attached Flyer for further information.


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