

Statement from the incoming ASR President, Prof. Peter Daivis

As incoming President of the ASR, I would like to say that I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the Society in this role. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate at this uncertain time, but it is tempting to say that there has never been a more exciting time to be a rheologist!

On behalf of the Society, I would like to thank the outgoing members of Council who have generously given their time and enthusiasm to maintain the ASR as an active and relevant society. In particular, Dr Nicky Eshtiaghi deserves our thanks for her work in liaison with Chemeca to ensure a prominent place for rheology, and likewise Dr Rahul Gupta who has been such a generally positive advocate and energetic worker for the Society. Dr Mark Coghill has also served the Society very capably and willingly as a council member and as President.

Looking ahead, it is my pleasure to welcome the incoming Council and to encourage them to suggest ways to enhance the ASR’s reach and impact. I’d also like to encourage the membership of the ASR to renew their memberships if they have not already done so, and to participate in the activities that the Society sponsors and organises throughout the year.

Please also encourage your students and colleagues with an interest in rheology to join the ASR and ensure its future viability.

—Peter Daivis


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